El blog de Alex
Prácticas de redacción 14/15 grupo A
lunes, 19 de enero de 2015
Practice: Thesis
Spanish people should remove fast food of their regular consumption because of nowadays there is a big problem of obesity, also the kids are facing that problem. We must prevent health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high-blood pressure or heart disease.
Practice, Outline: Bullfighting
Intro -> The different opinions about bullfighting among the Spanish population, how people see that tradition and the different points of view that lately are experiencing a radicalism and resume points against it.
Thesis -> Bullfighting is an old tradition and it must be respected, every country or land has their own traditions and Spain is well-known in other countries because of bullfighting and flamenco. It is a really complex issue.
Supporting ideas ->
- Spain has a great number of bull population thanks to bullfighting.
- Without bullfighting, maybe bulls would extinguish.
- It is a great business in the tourism industry and it is popular all around the world as other festivities.
- Spain would lose identity and tradition without it.
Conclussion ->
- Remember the thesis: The bulfighting tradition.
- Resume the topic: The issues between different opinions in Spain.
- My opinion about it.
martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014
Practice: Essay; The environment
"It is imperative that youth from all parts of the world participate actively in all relevant levels of decision-making processes because it affects their lives today and has implications for their futures." — Chapter 25 of Agenda 21, adopted at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro.
In recent years the scientific evidence supporting the need to reduce gas emissions and other major environmental pollutants has increased. What are the small things that can do to make a big change? How can they all do something to make their planet more sustainable? Simple. We each need to do a little bit. Humans, like animals, also leave an impression as a consequence of their activities. Actions from switching on a light to littering the street, running a tap to travelling by car, all leave some form of impression on the environment. This is known as our environmental footprint.
As I see it, young people is really concerned about it nowadays. The air pollution is growing up in big cities and it is a World-wide problem, in some of them like Hong Kong is a really big issue and the view of the city with these black clouds is really ugly. In my opinion new generations has to lead the environment develop with all kind of activities and I think we are doing well, we are a generation with a better education than the older ones. The climate change is a fact and it will get worse if we don't make that change. In my case, I am not exactly a Greenpeace person but I try to respect environment as far as I can. I drive my car only when it is really necessary, in other cases, I use my bike. Also I try to save petrol with an effective driving of my car. I recycle paper and bottles and I try to concern about it to everyone around me.
As I see it, young people is really concerned about it nowadays. The air pollution is growing up in big cities and it is a World-wide problem, in some of them like Hong Kong is a really big issue and the view of the city with these black clouds is really ugly. In my opinion new generations has to lead the environment develop with all kind of activities and I think we are doing well, we are a generation with a better education than the older ones. The climate change is a fact and it will get worse if we don't make that change. In my case, I am not exactly a Greenpeace person but I try to respect environment as far as I can. I drive my car only when it is really necessary, in other cases, I use my bike. Also I try to save petrol with an effective driving of my car. I recycle paper and bottles and I try to concern about it to everyone around me.
We have to start doing these small things that can make a big change for a sustainable development. The youngsters have the responsability of teaching older generations that their actings in the world have consequences and they can also join that movement. These small things can preserve and make this world a nice place to live for the future generations.
Practice: Introduction and conclussion

Conclussion: The Internet and Wikipedia give us access to a huge amount of information really useful for the students homeworks but we have to be careful and contrast the information that we get, because it also contains a lot of incorrect information and we have to check wether that information is correct or not in more reliable websites.
martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014
Practice: Problems and solutions: Spanish policy and the loss of faith in the system
Nowadays, in Spain, the population is really furious about how policy works in our country. Spain is facing a lot of problems such as one of the worst unemployment rates in Europe, a lot of families are losing their houses and facing hunger problems, child poverty is growing up... On the other hand, a lot of politicians in Spanish government are facing corruption charges and they are also lacking solutions to solve thus problems. All these things are implying a loss of faith in the traditional Spanish politic system and people is starting to get desperated.
In order to solve these problems new political options are appearing strongly like Podemos and maybe if people vote these options, situation could change. Many people thinks that the actual system really needs a change and they see in Pablo Iglesias the person who can make that change, because that system is exhausted and the changes that he says sounds really nice for people and families in an awful situation. Also they say that they work with a really good economist ideas.
But, what would happen if these changes are totally a mess? We are not totally sure about if these changes are realistic and maybe, the situation could be worse than now. Otherwise, you never know if they are also totally honest or they would be also as corrupt as other were.
Another solution could be keep trusting the traditional system with two traditional parties dominating because although they didn't do a good job lately, we already know them and we are not that bad after all. They did good things in the past, Spain experienced a huge development before the 2007 bankrupt so maybe they can do it again.
In another way, they have already made a lot of mistakes. They had a lot of corruption scandals, their ways to solve the crisis are not working and Spain is losing impact in the world as a nation, under the desires of the most powerful nations in EU and ECB.
Eventually, in my opinion, It is time to make a change. We don't know for sure if the new political parties will make a big change and help the people with big problems but I think the current system is finished and maybe it is time to try a new one. I'm not sure if they are the solution but the current politicians have already showed that they are not the solution and they can't solve the problems that Spain is facing nowadays.
In order to solve these problems new political options are appearing strongly like Podemos and maybe if people vote these options, situation could change. Many people thinks that the actual system really needs a change and they see in Pablo Iglesias the person who can make that change, because that system is exhausted and the changes that he says sounds really nice for people and families in an awful situation. Also they say that they work with a really good economist ideas.
But, what would happen if these changes are totally a mess? We are not totally sure about if these changes are realistic and maybe, the situation could be worse than now. Otherwise, you never know if they are also totally honest or they would be also as corrupt as other were.
Another solution could be keep trusting the traditional system with two traditional parties dominating because although they didn't do a good job lately, we already know them and we are not that bad after all. They did good things in the past, Spain experienced a huge development before the 2007 bankrupt so maybe they can do it again.
In another way, they have already made a lot of mistakes. They had a lot of corruption scandals, their ways to solve the crisis are not working and Spain is losing impact in the world as a nation, under the desires of the most powerful nations in EU and ECB.
Eventually, in my opinion, It is time to make a change. We don't know for sure if the new political parties will make a big change and help the people with big problems but I think the current system is finished and maybe it is time to try a new one. I'm not sure if they are the solution but the current politicians have already showed that they are not the solution and they can't solve the problems that Spain is facing nowadays.
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014
Opinion practice: Rugby
I've played rugby in my city, Orihuela, since I was 15 years old. It is a hard sport and if you want to play it, you have to accept that sometimes you will be hit and get hurt. It gets some time to get used to the hits but once you are used to the hits it doesn't hurt at all. Also, in these 9 years I've been playing rugby, I didn't have any serious injury and I had worse injuries when I was playing football when I was a kid or in normal life at home... The people who plays rugby is also really nice and after every finished game, there is a kind of meeting that rugbiers call "Third quarter". Both teams meet at some bar or something and home team invites the guest team to some drinks and foods.
Rugby is a really funny sport and not much more dangerous than other ones. It could show people that they are braver than they think and also It could help them to reduce stress!
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014
Describe a person: A person who I admire

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