martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Practice: Problems and solutions: Spanish policy and the loss of faith in the system

Nowadays, in Spain, the population is really furious about how policy works in our country. Spain is facing a lot of problems such as one of the worst unemployment rates in Europe, a lot of families are losing their houses and facing hunger problems, child poverty is growing up... On the other hand, a lot of politicians in Spanish government are facing corruption charges and they are also lacking solutions to solve thus problems. All these things are implying a loss of faith in the traditional Spanish politic system and people is starting to get desperated.

In order to solve these problems new political options are appearing strongly like Podemos and maybe if people vote these options, situation could change. Many people thinks that the actual system really needs a change and they see in Pablo Iglesias the person who can make that change, because that system is exhausted and the changes that he says sounds really nice for people and families in an awful situation. Also they say that they work with a really good economist ideas.

But, what would happen if these changes are totally a mess? We are not totally sure about if these changes are realistic and maybe, the situation could be worse than now. Otherwise, you never know if they are also totally honest or they would be also as corrupt as other were.

Another solution could be keep trusting the traditional system with two traditional parties dominating because although they didn't do a good job lately, we already know them and we are not that bad after all. They did good things in the past, Spain experienced a huge development before the 2007 bankrupt so maybe they can do it again.

In another way, they have already made a lot of mistakes. They had a lot of corruption scandals, their ways to solve the crisis are not working and Spain is losing impact in the world as a nation, under the desires of the most powerful nations in EU and ECB.

Eventually, in my opinion, It is time to make a change. We don't know for sure if the new political parties will make a big change and help the people with big problems but I think the current system is finished and maybe it is time to try a new one. I'm not sure if they are the solution but the current politicians have already showed that they are not the solution and they can't solve the problems that Spain is facing nowadays.

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